Saturday, October 9, 2010

Latin Words with Meaning

So after reading a few stories that I got away from a few years ago due to the urge they gave me (to write something like them) that I didn't feel capable of handling at the time, I've decided to conquer the urge. Well okay, so this is more like me ever so slowly taking baby steps towards following the urge. At first it was flat out refusal, and then it was 'Well what could I call them that would be different?' I still maintain that I don't want to do this sort of story, I'd be no good at it and it'd be too close to what I read that I wouldn't consider it original.
I keep saying that but I am desperately playing around with plot ideas and character alterations that I could do to make it my own thing.

So think of this; A world of humans and these Sagas (Latin for witch). Sagas are a type of being that live twice as long as humans and have hundreds of different sub-species. The main character is a fox-saga.

The prologue has to do with her being in love with a wolf-saga. As many people forced to take science will tell you, wolves are creatures who live in packs and who protect their cubs as one, but foxes are more anti-social. The wolf-saga she falls in love with is killed when his village is attacked. She had been there, an outsider, helping to protect the children with other wolf-sagas, but everyone but her and a few children survive.
After taking the children to a nearby wolf-saga village, she spends the next couple of years protecting the mass grave site of the village from grave robbers.

I haven't gotten farther than that, so I don't know why she leaves the village yet, but I'm working on it. More news to come.

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