Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Modern Day Beauty

So I changed the title from 'When Beauty Met Beast' to 'Modern Day Beauty'. It sounds better don't you agree? Anyway, here's the prologue for you:

Fairy Tale Versus Reality

‘Beauty and the Beast,’ that old fairy tale of a selfish prince turned into the beast he is and a woman, beautiful inside and out, who falls in love with him, breaking the curse, making him a better man, and living happily ever after. How is that even remotely realistic?
I’m not trying to be a pessimist here, and I’m not saying I’m not happy for Belle and ‘His Highness’, but the facts are simple. A jerk will always be a jerk, and you can’t change them. Maybe the ‘beauty’ will still fall in love, but in real life, the beast will always be a beast. Take Blake East for example; bad ass of Rose High School, and the biggest heartbreak in the state of New York. Blake, the most sought after guy—besides his best friend Todd Hunch—in school, the most selfish, and the biggest jerk. Blake dated like any true egotistical, over-confident moron, and broke the heart of any girl foolish enough to start thinking things were serious.
Blake East was the beast that would always be a beast. Not even the purest beauty could change a guy who saw no need to change himself. After all, the first step to changing a person is to get that person to want to change. A guy who sees nothing wrong with himself is never going to take that first step.

Mr. Hendrics was a unique guy. If you didn’t love him, you hated him, and if you didn’t care either way then you’d obviously never met him. I loved him…despite the fact that he taught government. I would still love him if he hadn’t done the one thing that had brought on the worst set of events of my life…at least so far.
Let’s start at the beginning, shall we? Back at the last half of fifth period, the third to last period of the day. Let’s start my story in government, and I’ll tell you just what good old Mr. Hendrics got me into:

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