Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Because They're Not Dead Yet

So I've decided to do what every author has done once in their writing career; I've decided to re-tell the classics. Here's what I've got so far;

**Please note: First is the classic's title, then mine. Next line, main characters. Third is High School name, then the summary**

Beauty and the Beast: Modern Day Beauty
Kira Harley and Blake East
Rose High School

Kira's a beauty with a tough past and a cynical outlook on life. With little faith in the male population, she has no problem taking an immediate dislike to Blake East. Modern beauties aren't as soft hearted as they used to be.

Sleeping Beauty: Beauty Sleep
Aurora Night and Luke Silver
Shlafen High School

Aurora Night has lived her life in a daze. She is more than willing to sleep her life away, and is cheerily doing just that until Luke Silver sounds the alarm. Looks like her beauty sleep is over.

Little Mermaid: Head Over Tail
Ariel Fish and Derron Prince

The strangest thing happened to curious Ariel, youngest in a family of eight. She's sprouted a tail. Once the shock's worn off, she is eager to explore the murky depths of the sea. Easily accepting her own whacked out curse, she is not so willing to accept that of Derron Prince's.

Cinderella: Cinders
Ashley (Ash) Wells and Aaron Charmont
Drusilla High School

Ashley has had it rough. Both parents have died, leaving her with a very indifferent step-mom. She's watched everything she's ever loved burn to the ground and when everything's gone, only cinders are left. This modern Cinderella doesn't need the shoe to fit, she's swapped out the glass slippers for combat boots, and she is fighting to lose the guy with her heart.

Snow White: White as Snow
Chastity Snow and Carter Hale
Queen's Academy for Misbehaved Teens

Her step-mother chased her away from the only living family member she has left and left her to fend for herself in a boarding school for the disobedient. It takes less than a day for her troubled classmates to see she doesn't belong. This innocent beauty just doesn't have a bad bone in her body, and they don't have a good one.

So what do you think? Comments? Questions? Feel free.

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