Monday, December 21, 2009

When A Writer Gets Bored

Okay so I got bored and wrote out a few more random titles. My World and Everything In It, When Barbie Doesn't Cut It, and Outside the Box. Here are the summaries I'm thinking about...they are most definitely subject to change...

Outside the Box
She considered her self just as creative as the best of them. At times, she even bragged about the vastness of her imagination. She just never thought she'd have to prove it.

**Okay so what happens is she somehow gets into another world that is kind of way beyond anything she ever would've imagined, and she's expected to help them through it in order to get back home...or something along those lines. I'm not exactly sure.**

When Barbie Doesn't Cut It
She was never willing to fit the mold, but she never really stood out either...until one misplaced comment leads to an argument that leads to all out war. Now she's not only different and standing out, she's got all eyes on her. This time they'll learn that plastic isn't as sturdy as the real deal, and she has no problem breaking a few shells to prove it.

**She gets into an argument with a popular girl who then begins to single her out for ridicule. Instead of taking it, she starts fighting back and it's open war. Her goal is to ruin the face facades, and it's causing chaos everywhere.**

My World and Everything In It
So she's always been more interested in her own little world than the world around her, but when she lands smack dab in the middle of her wildest dreams, she'll be hard pressed not to pay better attention. One false move and it could be her last.

**This one I'm kind of playing with a bit. She could end up in some kind of weird 'other' world (which is what I'm leaning towards) or she could kind of have something from her daydreams come true, sort of waking her up. I think maybe she gets sucked into an almost 'Alice in Wonderland' type thing...I'll have to mess with it a bit though.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Halfway Point

Okay so I am currently at 156 for Modern Day Beauty. It's now officially in Blake's point of view, and we learn almost immediately that some of Kira's suspicions are true...he hasn't changed as much as he would like us to believe. I'm not saying he's still an ass, but...okay well he's still an ass. He's changing though, he even bought her a bookshelf! That's awesome for a bookworm like Kira.
Anyway, I'll have an excerpt up soon, I just want to try and get some other stuff done too.
Also, three new story titles I came up I just have to come up with a plot...They would be, Missing You Terribly, Does It Help?, aaaaand The Other Side of Nothing

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Two Halves Make a Whole

Okay so I'm currently at 133 pages on Modern Day Beauty and dear Blake is showing some real (if slight) progress. Now this is nearing, if not passed the halfway point. They are currently at the week before Christmas. Christmas night will be the last day that Kira has center stage. After that, I'm going to attempt to write the rest of the story in Blake's point of view. It'll be a challenge seeing as I'm not all that familar with the way his mind works, but I think I'll catch on quickly and finish it with a bang.
I feel that in order to really see the changes made by Blake, we should get into his head so we can see it for ourselves. Otherwise we're only watching and seeing it from Kira's (let's be honest here) bias point of view. She doesn't have much faith in people changing, and her words and feelings of distrust can't be allowed to alter our overall judgement. It wouldn't be fair to the poor boy. With this in mind, I feel that the rest of the story will be much better off in his point of view. We'll see how it goes.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Story of the Month (Mom's Post)

So this month's story if one that has a bit of a background. A story behind the story if you will, so bare with me. This month's story is Love at Night. I haven't written much for it yet, I kind of started it and moved onto something else.
Love at Night is the first in a series of three that I plan on writing about a woman named Kaitlyn Swan. Kaitlyn Swan, as anyone familiar with Samantha Burton's series will know, is from a different series of mine that is almost finished. In order to understand, I have to tell you about the first series she starred (as a minor major character) in.
Sam's series is a series about a girl who is a half-vampire, a witch and Queen of the Vampires. When I first started her story, I had just had an argument with my mother and so I created her mother as a mom who cared nothing for her child, left her to fend for herself, lied to her, and was just a horrible person. I then proceeded to walk into the kitchen and read the beginning of my story out loud to my mom and her boyfriend. It was the last time I ever read any of my stories to my mother.
Mom knew who Sam's mother was supposed to be, and I don't know if that hurt her feelings, but I felt like the worst person ever. It had already been done of course, but I tried to make Kaitlyn more understandable and show everyone that she was good and she did care about her daughter. She redeemed herself, but she could never quite get it right. No one but me was remotely fond of her. At a loss, I couldn't figure out what else I could do. Sam's stories are some of my favorites. I have always admired my characters, but Sam always seemed to overcome so much, and she's in a series of four.
Then it came to me, I could write a series about Kaitlyn! It would be about how she became who she is and why. I figured if nothing else could make everyone like her, understanding her past would. So I started writing the first story in the series, and I have high hopes for it. The series (if ever published) will be dedicated to my mom.
To mom because even though she seemed like the bad guy a vast majority of the time, it turns out I just had to see it from her shoes.
My mom's opinion of my stories used to be all I ever wanted to know, but then I stopped sharing them with her. I miss her opinions, and I hope that someday she'll give them to me again because what she thinks means more than what anyone else's thoughts ever did.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Book of the Month Is...(Dun Du Du Dun)

Okay so this month's book is Knock Off by Rhonda Pollero. The book is the first in a serious about a paralegal named Finley. If you're into mysteries and shopping, you'll really like the book. The main character is kind of a shop-a-holic, a turn off to me since I'm not much of a shopper, however this book is really good. For more information, check out her website; Anyone who has read the book, leave a comment and tell us what you think.
I give it 3 stars. It was entertaining and really funny, but like I said, I'm not much of a shopper so the shopping stuff was just a love I don't understand.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Monthly Side Story

Okay so I've decided to try and write a side story to one of my stories on here. There will also be a book of the month and story of the month. They will come later. This month's side story is from Modern Day Beauty (surprise surprise). I'm going to tell you how Kira met her friend Sean.

That's What She Said

Freshman debate class was the stupidest class I have ever had the misfortune to get stuck in. No one took the debates seriously and the ones that did were seriously disappointed at the lack of effort put forth by others. I was one of the few that took it seriously. Kira Harley, the mistress of debates. That's what they called me when I continuously slaughtered the competition. On the last debate of the semester we did one on one. It was Sean Harvey against me. Should girls be forced to wear skirts as uniforms in this modern day and age? He was for and I was against.
"Forcing girls to wear skirts as part of their school uniform is no longer acceptable," I stated right off the bat. "To say that they are equal to males and then go on to make them wear uniforms where pants are not an option is a violation of their rights."
"So you're saying girls should be allowed to wear pants or skirts, but what about guys then? What if a guy prefers a skirt to pants?" Sean countered.
I shrugged, "If a guy wants to wear a skirt, that's his deal. I'm saying if girls and guys are equal then they should be treated as equal."
"It's not socially acceptable for guys to wear skirts. If they only have one choice--pants--then it's only fair for girls to have one choice--skirts."
"If there's only one choice, make everyone wear pants. Guys get pants to cover their legs more securely and keep them more warm while girls must wear skirts. Do you know how difficult it is to keep a skirt down when you're running or the wind is blowing? Males and females should be treated the exact same way when it comes to uniforms, if one of them gets to wear pants, the other should be allowed too."
"Women belong in skirts, they've worn skirts and dresses for centuries. Only in recent decades have they begun wearing shorts and pants."
"So you're saying because of what they wore in the past, they shouldn't be given more freedom int the future?" I snapped, getting irritated. "Do you really believe they should be forced to wear skirts?"
He leaned back and smiled at me cockilly. "I believe that girls look better in skirts than guys do. The shorter the better so my vote is, let the past trends continue."
My eyes narrowed, "That's the stupidest reasoning I've ever heard."
"Hey baby," someone called from the back, "you'd look smoking in a skirt!"
"Yeah," I replied, looking right at the guy who'd been stupid enough to open his mouth. "And you'd look smoking with a black eye."
"Alright," broke in the teacher, alarm in his voice. "Quiet down now class, I think this debate is over. Isn't it?" he snapped looking at me.
"We never came to voted conclusion," I pointed out. Fortunately for the teacher, the bell rang and everyone rushed out. Sending one last glare at Sean, I walked over to my desk and gathered my stuff.
"Hey babe," whispered the obnoxious guy from before, leaning in close and grabbing my waist. The teacher had rushed out with the rest of the class so there was no help from the authority, "what do you say you and I go find a closet?"
"I say get your hands off if you want to keep them," I snapped, freezing in place. He stepped closer with a cocky laugh and his grip tightened. "I said get them off."
"Relax sweetheart," he breathed. "I just want--"
In seconds he was gone, and I spun around to see him on the ground, his mouth and nose bleeding. "I believe she said hands off Doug," Sean stated, glaring down at him. "So next time why don't we try to listen better?"
We both started out of the classroom silently. "Listen, I didn't need any help," I told him. "But...thanks, I appreciate it."
"No problem, I figure that puts me one step closer to getting you to go to dinner with me."
"Not a chance," I laughed.
He shrugged, "Lunch then."
And that is how Sean Harvey and I met.